Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Thinking Sea

It's been some time since I've posted. How does life get away from you? Quite easily. Americorps is coming to an end. Youth pastoring came to an end. These are just some random thoughts that are floating around my head. Some are quotes, some are mine, some are something else altogether. If you recognize any, drop a line and you get points.

Someone once told me love is friendship on fire.

The glass is always full.

The song you like the most is the one you can never completely remember and you never completely forget.

What grade did you get in your class? A middle C.

Writing things down to remember later is key.

Waiting is the hardest part.

Whenever you're tempted, if you think of some combination of God and what you really want, you're no longer tempted.

There are many kinds of love, friendship being one of the best.

Just wait for me. Don't come looking for me, just wait. Meet me at the lake.

When you find the right thing, everything else fits together... it all falls into place... mountains are mole hills.

Peace comes to a clean house.

The unexpected is neither good nor bad, only fun.

Why deny what comes naturally?

Generally the things that are hard are also right.

I'll be running up that road, make a deal with God, ask him to swap our places.

Looking at her from across the room... smiling at everything they do.

Is she gonna marry him?
What do you think?
I think she's waiting for the next thing around the corner.

We're on a mission from God.

I don't know what I'll say, or who I'll say it to, all I know is I'm saying.

This has been a year long week...there's been several in the past month.

Sensuous up, can you bring me a beer?

The blood must have rushed out of his hands...settled in his arms somewhere. That's why they looked painted. They looked almost translucent, like they were meant to.

I'm supposed to be alive right now.

This is the beginning of something wonderful.

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