Thursday, August 17, 2006

Talk AND Walk: A Soliton Critique

Ever been tired of people talking? I don't know how many meetings of various groups where we just sit around and talk. People talk and talk and talk. It's good to talk some. You do need to think a little before doing anything. The problem is when you don't act on that thinking. I was recently at an 'Emerging Church' conference put on by the Soliton network, and I was reminded at how important it is to DO.

This is not to say that the people at this conference were not doing, but rather we talked a lot more about thinking than about doing. There were not very many clear avenues to 'do' things. Even though the conference was about hospitality, I found hospitality lacking in several interesting ways. Perhaps these are cultural expectations but I couldn't help but be affected by them.

So what were they? Let me give you several examples. The first day of the conference seemed planned as though everyone would already know everyone else there. There was no easy way to introduce yourself to other people during the day. Unfortunately I was unable to attend the evening session that Thursday night so I didn't get to connect with people there. In addition to no formalized environment for introductions, during the lunch hour people primarily sat with the group of people they came with. AND once I made a comment about this, out loud so that other groups could hear it, only men went between groups. It was a male conference. Perhaps this is an outcropping of various Christian views on women. In fact, it took me some time during the conference to break through the incredible male barrier. Several conversations in which I participated, I was one of if not the ONLY woman to speak during the conversation.

This was ironic because the conference was about hospitality, and it was not particularlly hospitable to half of the population. Nevertheless, I met some wonderful people and made some interesting discoveries about myself, Christianity, and what I need to do as a follower of Jesus.

People often talk about talking and walking, and they walk an entirely different way. No movement is without it's hypocrits. No group is without it's doublesided elements. Or so I think at this point. I could be wrong. I want to be wrong. I just don't believe I am.

What I am interested in is people DOING what they SAY they do. BELIEVE what they SAY they believe. BE who they CLAIM to be. The attempt is valuable enough. It doesn't take a whole lot to begin, it only takes a few little steps. People often want to do something to change the way of the world but become overwhelmed by all the things they find wrong.


One drop of water causes ripples across the lake.

Don't you see? If you do ANYTHING it has an effect on EVERYTHING. Your smile to someone, your gentle conversation, your compassion in any way it manifests has a huge impact on the way the world becomes. Be a follower of Jesus now. Do the things he calls us to now. Love. Live. Worship in every moment, in everything you do, because everything is sacred. Everything is full of God. Everything is part of the plan.

So stop talking - START DOING!!! Recycle. Change your lightbulbs to fluorescent bulbs. Smile at people you pass on the street. Walk more. Enjoy the beauty of the world. Seek how you can serve others in every situation and you will contribute so much to the world. You don't have to do huge things to make a difference, you only need to do small things to begin to make a change in the way things are. It takes so little to start. You just need to start.

Once you have begun, you will find it will be difficult to stop. Find a group of people who can help you keep walking...keep doing...and you support them in their efforts as well. Meet in holy time. Pray and meditate. Support each other in your endeavors. Take hikes together. Create together. These nourishing times will help you do begin to do larger things. And you will do the things God has called you to do in this world.

You are a child of God - you are holy. You have the power to do wonderful things, even with the 'smallest' actions. So get up! Start walking. Maybe someone else will follow you.

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