Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fifteenth Chances and The Final Head Slap

It's been some time since I last wrote. No doubt some might wonder if I'm even still alive. I assure you (if this entry isn't enough confirmation) I am alive and kicking. There have been many things occupying my time and so I have had little time to share my thoughts with the world (and many of my thoughts were so mundanely practical, they seemed unworthy of world-wide sharing).

I know that many people think of God and religion as a waste of time. Perhaps academics have spent too little time on God, as the Enlightenment has prevented them from delving into the sacred. Indeed, humanity's interpretation of God's plan has led to many terrible things. This is undoubtedly true. And many people see only this, and are unable to see any other possibilities (things in the past that have proved there are other paths, as well as possible future directions).

That said, like many people who have understood the law of attraction (grin) what you see is what you get. We create our reality. Quantum physics has proved this on the subatomic level. And guess what? This rule has brought me back around to the things I strove against. The thing you push against is the thing you get. And here I am, contemplating seminary. *Sigh*

Let us hope that my vision is the right one...and I don't mean forever, or even today, but rather when it is supposed to be, the moment of exact influence. Even if it's not, let God use it to create beauty, wonder, and inertia in things to come. I am imperfect. But in the hands of God I am the perfect tool. Something to make the amazing happen, to inspire and encourage. Perhaps to shape the direction of many lives, of many institutions to come.

When we dedicate these decisions, submit our paths to the supreme compass, it is clear that one direction dominates. One way. That way of joy and love and growth shows itself in the first step. Only the first step is illumined. That's all I need. And when 10 different people tell you where to go and what to do, it seems pretty clear which step to take.

Apparently I needed to have a piano dropped on my head. We all have our failings.

Thank God for second and fifteenth chances....

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