Friday, December 30, 2005

Holidays mean... amnesty in more ways than one

For those of you who are CA residents, you may have been privy to the non-amnesty paid by the governator to Tookie Williams (founder of the Crips and ex-gang banger). For my opinion of that, see Dr. Rosenberg's site. This season is not for blaming however. It is for several ever elusive abstracts that society says are the noblest of pursuits - peace and forgiveness.

By all means, peace on earth!

Peace in every aspect of life! You won't find an opponent here. I've been reading one of Dr. Rosenberg's books which has caused me to rethink how I should act in my relationships. Of course, changing one's language structure doesn't happen over night. It requires practice.

This season I did practice. Much to my surprise it went over. Since then, me and my plumeria have been spending quite some quality time together, I say quality because it has been filled with good feelings.

Time off from real life gives us respite from the daily grind. Everyone knows this. It is why 'TGIF' is a restaurant name (I wonder if mormons go there - I mean, is it okay for them to go there? See the movie "Mobsters and Mormons" for a fun play on the difference between them, and... us?). And everyone also knows that respites end.

Not only is 2005 ending in the next few days, but so is my respite, so is my sweet winter break, so is my season of plumeria. Distance in time and space will separate me from all of these things (as it may for many other people who are so fortunate). I will go back to serve at the elementary school for a week, only to be confronted with the prospect of oral surgery 1.5 weeks later.


Well, the positive way to look at everything is this: Peace may not be all over the planet, but it starts with a few people. When I choose to change my words, I show the change of my heart. It is then passed on to other people. That's part one. Part two is that while distance in time and space separates me from people whom I love, as well as exciting prospects, during that space and time I will lose a lot of weight (WOOHOO!!! Liquid particle free 10-day diet!!!) and will no longer have arthritis in my jaw.

Note: Over this break I made chocolate croissants and bagels with my best friend's mother. While chocolate croissants are definitely a lot of effort, they are a real treat. Bagels, are much more doable on a regular basis. I recommend them. ;-)

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