Thursday, March 09, 2006

Night Of The Blended Blob - Jaws 3

This past Tuesday brought me to my soft food diet. Mmmm. Yummy. Actually, softfood includes things like lasagna, rice and beans, chile relleno, eggs, banana bread (without a stiff outside), sandwich bread, peanut butter and jelly, baked potatoes, and the list goes on. They say the possibilities are endless, and the reality is that I have a lot more options now than I did previously. Milkshakes are actually appealing. I just hope this change doesn't cause me to balloon up. I like being 138. I'd like to stay in that range.

Yet, it's still strange. You don't think about the sensation of food between your teeth when you have always been able to chew (or atleast for as long as you can remember). Maxo-facial surgery actually forces you to relearn how to chew (!!!). It feels odd once you have that bit of flaky fish in between your molars. It feels alien. It can't belong there, but it does, and it always has. The change in textures is LOVELY. The ability to use utensils...really makes you feel like you're part of society again. You don't really appreciate the use of a fork until you can't use it (although I guess some parts of the world could care less, as an American it was a big deal).

Finally I am seperated from the blender! Granted, I can't eat delectable things such as coleslaw (cabbages being a little on the tough side), but the movement from blended poultry is really a plus. Tamales filled with flaked pig muscle is a great change (to be perfectly graphic).

Now I just have to bring the rest of my life back into balance and I should be okay. Food, check. Organized room... uh...not yet. Americorps hours back to normal, um...check BACK later. Exercise regimen, yeah...we'll get there. Right. Well, at least one thing is pseudo-normal about my current schedule. Equilibrium is such a fine thing in that it always comes back. It's just a matter of time...

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