Saturday, December 10, 2005

Negligence or Overwatering?

When is your decision right? How do you know you can stand by it and live with the consequences? How much effort should you put toward an investment so it will achieve it's highest possible yield? I am thinking about gardening. Our plumeria only blossomed after three years of us doing nothing.

I still have no idea why it blossomed.

Of course, I am not just talking about gardening. I could be talking about any number of things. Gardening, is the same as love, relationships, money, education, healthcare, dancing, acting, and the list can go miles.

The problem is, it's a lot easier to make decisions about your plants than it is to make decisions about your relationships, or money, or healthcare. There is definitely a hierarchy of investments and thus of decision making processes. No doubt about it.

But, let's take for example, my plumeria. How the hell did it flower?!?! We didn't do anything differently. Yet, it did bring forth those fragrant blooms which so frequent Bath and Bodyworks Stores everywhere. On the other hand, something like my current relationship, and as much time and energy as I put into that, I still feel like it will never blossom. In fact, it might be winter and never Christmas, as far as that is concerned.

So, then, when do you pull the plug? When is it okay to give up? And when is it not okay? Well, logic would have us weigh in the pros and cons that come with a given decision. So, let's take this 'plant' for a spin along those lines.

Pros for keeping the plant - I know it. It knows me. It's forgiven me for previous wrongs. We have history. It's a good plant. It has a similar background, intelligence, humor, and artistic ability. I can see the results of my efforts come full circle. I love the plant. The plant is my best friend. I may finally begin to see some give back. After all, I've gone through all this shit, I may as well hold on, because any progress will feel amazing after this titanic effort.

Pros for ditching the plant - I am worn from a lack of communication. I get little encouragement. I have potential for new plants. I can irradicate any emotional rot. I can find another plant that is closer to me as far as place in life. I can find another plant that can tell me how they really feel.

A shortened version of December will tip the balance one way or another.

I only hope I can have a clear head and heart when I decide.

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